The Plan for my Baby: Gentle Birth

Let’s just say that from the last time I posted in my blog, my pregnancy is very overwhelming, plus I went on a two-weeks babymoon, so I completely blanked out on sitting in front of my laptop to write about everything I wanted to write. I managed to write in my diary, though!

Hello Doodlers! -___-” it’s been almost two months since I posted my last writing, and yes it is embarrassing 😀

I’ve been trying to get back on my activities among other stuff like getting my routine USG from the OB/GYN to make sure that my baby is okay. Yes, people, I’m making my baby my top priority haha.

…and that’s why in this post, i’m gonna talk about my birth plan, which is going to connect to EVERYTHING ELSE i’m doing before my estimated due date 😀 My plan for the baby is to have a gentle birth. I’m gonna write the big picture here.

I’m gonna begin with WHAT is gentle birth and WHY I want to do gentle birth.

What on earth is Gentle Birth? If you search for gentle birth on the internet, especially if you type “what is gentle birth” on search engine, you’re getting this definition: is a complete childbirth preparation program that teaches easy self hypnosis techniques which enable you to feel calm, confident and in control throughout your pregnancy and during your labor.

But I think that particular definition is missing something, and I’m gonna try to explain to you the definition in my own terms and understanding 🙂 So disclaimer: this post is purely my interpretation to my research and my opinion only, which means not a professional or the direct practitioner’s opinion. Therefore should not be a direct reference if you want to have gentle birth for your baby, assuming you’re a future mommy. Hehe.

After all the research I did (google and youtube mostly), I think gentle birth is not only about the self hypnosis technique to make you feel calm and confident, and most of all, this is not about how you keep up with the TREND! Gentle birth is about how you focus on your baby, how to minimize the risk of her/him getting trauma even before the baby realize it. In other words, it’s completely baby-centric. haha.

That’s right, it’s ALL about the baby! 🙂

Sounds simple? Read on, because it’s definitely NOT, but also not that complicated 😀

First of all, minimizing that risk for the baby getting trauma is not as easy as it sounds. Before the labor is actually happening, that innocent baby can get trauma. From you, the mother. It’s not contagious like a disease, but you know how baby feels whatever the mother feels? This is about that. For example, if you have a trauma WAAAAY before you’re pregnant (painful breakup, car accident, etc, basically anything that would hurt you emotionally), and the mother still feel the ‘aftermath’, that will affect the baby whether you realize it or not, whether you like it or not. So, before you actually having hypnobirthing sessions, or whatever you think is a part of gentle birth, you should do self-healing to heal the trauma in you first.

Secondly, ever heard of this? “It doesn’t matter how the baby is born (normally or C section) the most important part is the baby is healthy”. If we review this statement, it’s actually referring to physical health, not emotional health. Emotional health, apparently, is not the most priority. I think physical health is, of course, important, but emotional health is supposed to be too. I want to write about a bunch of stuff related to this, but I think it’s too long, but my point is this: many labor process is intervened by unnecessary medical procedures that causes fetal distress, even hampering the process of breastfeeding. Of course some of the case really needs medical assistance because of complications, or other things, most of them should be okay without none. Those unnecessary procedures are not ‘gentle’.

and then there’s a bunch of things more to say about gentle birth that I, maybe, am incapable of sharing because I’m unqualified.

But after those short research, this is WHY I want to do gentle birth for my baby: I want her/him to grow up to their most potential by giving them, hopefully, the right to say hello to this world gently with distress that are reduced to minimum.

I haven’t really found the best way to deliver my baby, and is currently still searching the best way, but I want it to be in the gentlest possible way. Currently, I have consulted an Ayurveda Practitioner to watch my diet, I’m seeing my Chiropractor to keep my body aligned (I have scoliosis), and is seeing a hypnotherapist for possible trauma healing and hypnobirthing. All for this little precious thing inside my belly 🙂

3 thoughts on “The Plan for my Baby: Gentle Birth

    1. Katanya bisa gentle Nie, kalo Csection pun! Tapi gue blm nemu nih sampe sekarang gimana. Sejauh ini selalu normal dan minim sakit. Haha. Nanti lah kalo udah dapet gue tulis lg disini heuheu.

      Itulah, gak sama. Hypnobirthing ya cm fokus supaya elu conscious dan ngasi sugesti kalo ngelahirin itu gak sakit jadinya meminimalisasi rasa sakitnya. Padahal gak cm minimalin itu aja. Prosesnya panjang dan butuh komitmen dr ibu nya sndiri. Misal kalo ada trauma ya dibersihin, dan berbagai proses lainnya. Intinya sih kalo gue liat melihat proses melahirkan sebagai proses alami yang badan kita udah ‘tau’ karena udah di desain untuk itu. Panjang yak. Di line apa? Hahaha


      1. Sinyal hpku butut pisan kalo gak make wifi nih -__-
        Hoo jadi lebih kompleks dari hypno ya, tapi berkaitan. Bener sih, melahirkan itu proses alami, pasti bakal keluar si bayi ntu, dan yg penting di sini jg adalah finding the right obgyn/bidan yg biasa kita datengin buat cek up.
        Kalo mereka gak suportif dgn itu, suka ngasih horor-horor yg bikin kita was-was dan jadinya gak gentle.


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